Sources of Volcano Information

Websites and blogs with background information on selected volcanoes.

There are lots of great websites around that have information about the Volcanoes Top Trumps volcanoes, and other volcanoes around the world. We have put links to some of these sites on the individual volcano pages, and below we have linked to some of the blog sites and blog posts that we have helped to put together in the STREVA project that relate either to VTT volcanoes, or volcanoes in general, or to activities that you can do.


Ashcloud Apocalypse GIS Event 2015 – this is an event for Geography students to celebrate GIS day. Explore your risk environment in the event of a large volcanic eruption with global impacts!

Global Volcanism Program – this is the world’s most authoritative volcano information site, run by the volcano experts at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Here you can find news about the latest volcanic activity around the world, and detailed background information about any of the world’s volcanoes that have erupted, or are thought to have erupted, within the past 10,000 years.

Eruptions site on Wired.Com – this excellent resource is managed by Erik Klemetti, who is a volcanologist at Denison University in Ohio, USA, and who tweets regularly as @eruptionsblog. Erik posts regularly about volcanoes in the news, and is a great source of background information, and interpretations, relating to current events.

VolcanoCafe is another fun and informative site on volcanoes and volcanism, with frequent updates on current events.

Blog sites associated with the STREVA project

London Volcano – yes, there are *no* volcanoes in London, nor have there ever been in (known) geological history. In June 2014, we built and erupted a model volcano outside London’s Natural History Museum, and this site contains a collection of short posts explaining why we did this. This includes contemporary descriptions of some of the eruptions of the Soufriere of St Vincent, a volcano in the Caribbean; explanations of why some volcanoes explode, and information on how to make your own Alka-Seltzer volcano in the class room.

Norfolk Firework Volcano – there are no volcanoes in Norfolk either, but this is the story of the recreation of an eruption of Top Trumps volcano Merapi, Indonesia, as a part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the University of East Anglia. There site includes some short posts on volcanoes in mythology, and volcanoes in literature.

Volcanoes in the Wider World – occasional blog posts on volcanoes, volcanic risk and other topics from Jenni Barclay, lead investigator on the STREVA project. This includes some fun posts on volcanoes in childrens films, in childrens books and baking.


Do let us know what your favourite volcano websites are, and we’ll add them to the list!

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