Get the cards

Volcanoes%202Click here to access the cards via Plymouth e-store! All of our of profits from these goes directly to our Outreach Fund but you can access and buy a similar set via Amazon here. We get a  (smaller) Royalty for these cards. The content is basically the same.

6 Comments on “Get the cards

    • Definitely, categories would have to include: Moment Magnitude, Destruction Damage ($), Deadliness, and Wow! Factor.

      Great game and great cause. Well done guys

  1. Pingback: A volcano card game! | City of Volcanoes

  2. …and STRIKE-SLIP, NORMAL and REVERSE (and thrust I guess). We are in the U.S. so sorry if the terms aren’t exactly the same.

  3. Pingback: Volcano bits and bites - Indonesia (Bali, Java), Mexico, World...

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